Ok so here is a story of mine that I have found just recently of an event that had happened to me early last Summer and will explain how clumsy and sad my life really is. Now these things happen to me sorta often and it's just plain sad...
Ok.. here it is... You may want to sit down for this or else you may just fall on the floor with laughter.
June 6th, 2007
It was my sons last day of school. (he's in Kindergarten) SO...
today was a very very important and exciting awards day. First
things first ....It's raining HARD.... I woke up late and got my son to school 10 mins after his school started. Then drove my husband to work.. LATE.... on the
way home my youngest son puked in the car twice... So I had to
rush home to change him and run to my sons school in time for
the awards ceremony... I got to the school (still raining)..
There is NO PARKING... I had to park '2' blocks away and RUN in
the rain with my sick son. I finally got there.. as I was coming
into the school I stubbed my toe and tried not to stop... finally
got in to the Gym no place to sit of course....and had already
MISSED the WHOLE CEREMONY.... YES My son got an award and a medal
and I wasn't there to see. I also ran out of gas in my car and my
cell phone died. I got to call my husband right before it died
thankfully in tears and ask if I could come for lunch and HE had
ALREADY STARTED to eat lunch. BUT stopped quickly..... I came to
him with tears running down my face we went to lunch I dropped him
back off and I left. THEN... My son puked IN THE CAR AGAIN. I
couldn't help but to laugh at that point... I came home... Then
later with my husband we cleaned his office and mean while my cat
came by and (he didn't wipe and i didn't know it) I accidentally
put my hand in a bit if his mess that he left on the floor next
to me and I didn't feel it and rubbed my nose.. and wiped his..
(YES!!!!!!) ON MY FACE!!!!!!!!! I freaked out, started yelling!!!
AND TO TOP IT OFF!!! I've been loosing weight just recently and ALL
I am thoroughly humiliated and disgusted and I'm sure I can't drop
any farther than I already have... TODAY!!!
Just slap a kick me sign on my back and call it a day!!!